Lange, Kirsten
1 results
Research Data
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Research Data Navigating the Remanufacturing Trilemma: Balancing Customer, Manufacturer, and Lawmaker Interests [Repository](Universität Kassel) Reintanz, Lisa; Wittine, Nicolas; Lange, Kirsten; Wenzel, Sigrid; Refflinghaus, RobertThe associated paper explores the trilemma between different circular economy stakeholders (customer, manufacturer and legislator). The overview database (2019-2024) contains 84 relevant papers (out of 880), which were reduced to 27 through analysis. In addition, findings from expert interviews are used to uncover conflicts and synergies.
The provided Excel file contains the researched literature and documents the process and findings. The main content is found in "References". Each PDF contains an interview protocol, numbered according to the paper’s Table 3. Each protocol contains a description of the expert and a discussion summary.
The provided presentation was used as a guide to conduct the interviews.