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Goetjes, Victoria

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    Research Data
    Differentiation between Hydrolytic and Thermo-Oxidative Degradation of Poly(lactic acid) and Poly(lactic acid)/Starch Composites in Warm and Humid Environments [Dataset]
    (Universität Kassel) Goetjes, Victoria; Zarges, Jan-Christoph; Heim, Hans-Peter
    For the application of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and PLA/starch composites in technical components such as toys, it is essential to know their degradation behavior under relevant application conditions in a hydrothermal environment. For this purpose, composites made from PLA and native potato starch were produced using twin-screw extruders and then processed into test specimens, which were then subjected to various one-week ageing processes with varying temperatures (23, 50, 70, 90 °C) and humidity levels (10, 50, 75, 90%). This was followed by mechanical characterization (tensile test) and identification of degradation using Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR). With increasing temperature and humidity, there was a clear degradation of the PLA, which could be reduced or slowed down by adding 50 wt.% starch, due to increased crystallinity. Hydrolysis was identified as the main degradation mechanism for PLA and PLA/starch composites, especially above the glass transition temperature, with thermo-oxidative degradation also playing a subordinate role. Both hydrolytic degradation and thermo-oxidative degradation led to a reduction in mechanical properties such as tensile strength. In case you use the data please cite our corresponding article (