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Verbraucherpräferenzen für Produkte aus hessischen Leguminosen aus konventioneller und ökologischer Erzeugung und mit verschiedenen Verarbeitungsgraden (LeguHe)


The present data set is an online consumer survey from July 2023 in Hesse, Germany. A standardized survey including an Information Display Matrix (IDM) captures the attitudes and preferences of consumers of organic regional legumes with different degrees of processing. The cleaned data set contains 1320 people.

The participants were recruited by a private market research agency in an online access panel according to the following criteria:
- Residence in Hesse
- at least partially responsible for food shopping
- At least occasional purchase of organic food
- Consumption of green beans, kidney beans, peas, lupins, chickpeas, lentils, peanuts or soybeans at least every 2-3 months
People working in market research were excluded.


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Hueppe, Ronja; Zander, Katrin. (2023-07). Verbraucherpräferenzen für Produkte aus hessischen Leguminosen aus konventioneller und ökologischer Erzeugung und mit verschiedenen Verarbeitungsgraden (LeguHe). DaKS.


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